Check out my most recent short story as featured in Mystery Tribune literary magazine. This work of noir short fiction is set in a dying town in the Mojave Desert where the unnamed, gossipy protagonist has been tasked with training a new hire. A short excerpt is pasted below.
"It was twenty years ago to this very day when the stranger came to town. How would I remember? ‘Cause Britta always set out a bowl of candy for our customers on Halloween. No, you’re right. Food’s not allowed.
But Britta had a way of bending the rules. She was a kick. She really was. Like, sometimes she’d mix up the mail on purpose. Or hide a parcel for a few days. She’d give it back, mind you. The woman wasn’t a thief. She just enjoyed watching people’s reactions when they thought their mail was lost. You couldn’t do that today. No way in hell. Not with the tracking police. But back then it was one of the games we played to help make it through the day. You’ll understand once you’ve worked here long enough. Being a mail clerk may pay a fair wage, but it’s as mind-numbing as Sunday church." Britta, Catharine Riggs